Dear Mr. Devine,
I am the ex-wife of John A. Lysak, the current Ward 8 city counselor. Having helped him with running his campaign, I understand that you are a local blogger, and a passion for Valley politics. Because of this, I felt the need to reach out to you regarding my ex-husband.
John and I are currently going through a nasty custody fight over our children. John has a history of domestic violence towards me, and he is now turning on our children. Despite the fact that I have evidence of this (restraining orders I've taken out on him in the past), and my children's therapist ready to testify in court about what the children themselves have said, no one in the local media is willing to pick up the story.
Mr. Devine, I am very much afraid of John, and I think that he is not the right sort of person to be a city counselor. He abandoned me and our children for his co-worker, his current girlfriend, Luz Rivera. He has threatened to use his position to end contracts with the children's therapist, in an attempt to shut him (my therapist) up about the abuse of the children. He is also attempting to force me to continue living in Springfield, where he feels that he won't be arrested by the SPD if he should break the law. He has even used his position to get Ms. Rivera a job as a domestic violence advocate with the SPD, even though she lacked both the experience and the qualifications. I feel that if he continues to win his seat, he will continue to use his political clout to bully me.
I know that I must come off sounding as a bitter ex-wife, the woman scorned. I also know that John has done some good things for the city, such as opposing the PRE biomass plant. I guess I am hoping to present a balanced view of him to the public, and I am also hoping that public scrutiny will force him to cease the harm that he is doing to me and the children.
If you doubt my story, it is very easy to verify. Go to the Hampden County Probate and family court in downtown Springfield, to the 4th floor. Use the computers there that they have available to look up the following docket number, HD10D1140JP. This is the current divorce and custody case. Connected to that, you will find the docket numbers for the 2 restraining orders that I've taken out against John. This is public information, and could be found by going into the court house and looking these up on those computers by typing in John Lysak's name.
I do fear that if John finds out that I am talking to others about his history, that he may escalate. But the way that abuse thrives is in secrecy, and it is my hope that making things public will bring an end to the abuse.
Thank you for your time, and for reading this.
Priscilla Lysak
That terrible thunderstorm we had the other night brought down this branch along the Norwottock Trail. I had to carry my bike over it.
All the dampness has been heaven for mushrooms, such as this one that sprouted on my lawn.
This red one bloomed in the woods by my house.
Along the woodland way into downtown Northampton I thought I saw a mouse in the road. As I got closer I saw that it was no mouse - it was a baby possum paralyzed with fear! But only temporarily, a microsecond after I took this photo it bolted into the woods.
Ducks trying to cross the street in Amherst.
Mother duck and her kids in Calvin Coolidge Park in downtown Northampton by the courthouse.
Sounds like a pissed off ex wife.
Going through a nasty custody battle, and she is ranting like a scorned wife. I think someone is on the losing side and she's throwing some sucker punches to try and hurt her ex's credibility. Looks worse for her.
However, it is true that domestic violence thrives in the dark. It takes a lot of courage to admit that yourself and your children have been on the receiving end of violence.
"...He has ..used his position to get Ms. Rivera a job as a domestic violence advocate with the SPD..." Would Mr. Lysak please tell us what are the qualifications for this job, or Mr. Devine, would you check into it and tell us if the woman is, indeed, qualified for this position?
I makejudgmentment one way or the other at this time, but I would like to have more complete facts before casting my vote.
Thank you for posting this to your blog, keep up the good work. I hope you follow up on the points that were brought up here.
Tommy, doesn't Priscilla know you (from being at past campaign events)? She makes the letter sound like she's only heard of you before.
Yes it does sound like a pissed off ex wife and it sounds like she has good reason. Abuse thrives in secret - the public persona can be very different from the private one. This needs looking into before this man is put into a position with any power whatsoever.
I don't detect any "ranting", rather a calm, thoughtful letter by a woman who's clearly been through an ordeal and is still going through it. God bless her and her children. I hope the voters think very carefully about this.
Her statements are easily verified and I believe her. I am appalled that this man is in office. I don't want a man who abused his wife and children representing me! This story casts doubt not just on him, but his party.
Sometimes, exes have good reason to be pissed off. Sounds to me like this is such a case. If this is true (and it ought to be easily verified), I'm appalled that a public servant would act this way. Not so much surprised, but still.
Mr. Devine, thank you for giving this woman a public forum.
Like many "victims" of domestic violence, apparently she doesn't listen. She also needs to lay off the Buffet.
Sounds like her Ex has already found this blog.
Priscilla, I think now you need to be extra careful. If this man thinks he has nothing to lose now that everyone knows and his political career is down the tubes...I am afraid for you. This may make him even more angry and abusive towards you. You are a brave woman.
I have had met Mr. Lysak only a couple of times while living in his Ward. From my perspective, I would tend to agree that he appears to be a very controlling/manipulating person.
Bill Dusty said...
Tommy, doesn't Priscilla know you (from being at past campaign events)? She makes the letter sound like she's only heard of you before.
What is the relevance of knowing the blogger previously or not knowing him? The letter sounds 'formal', which shows respect.
I can tell you from experience that battered women walk a very fine line trying to keep life smooth. It is not an attitude that is easily shed. Survival depends upon it. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and economic survival.
I mean no disrespect to the poster, I just don't understand the relevance to the issues at hand.
I don't understand the comment referencing her weight, he looks a lot fatter than she does. I think it's great she is going public with this information, I want to know if the people in charge are wife or child beaters, it shows a lack of control and a mental instability, I don't want an unstable person to have any sort of power. Also, it is a pretty serious offense to put someone with no qualifications into a job, and laughable that it's a position helping people who are victims of abuse.
What does her weight have to do with the price of tea in China?? Because she's not a model she deserves to be abused? Give me a break. Like the others have stated, her claims are easily verifiable and she even points out the means to verify them. It doesn't sound as much like a woman scorned as much as it sounds like a women looking out for her family and her community. If a community leader can betray his family like this, what is to stop him from betraying his constituents?
What this woman has gone thru is abuse plain and simple.Her ex sounds like he doesnt care what happens to her or the children.In the end karma will get him because the truth always comes out and public records of his abuse etc will NEVER go away.
For the ppl who call this woman a scorned ex wife,may i remind you that the EX HUSBAND is abusing his position in office and trying to make the x wife and children live in fear for future abuse.Take a good hard look at what she is saying,her x is corrupt and doesnt care what anyone thinks.Im so glad i dont live where her ex is as i would give him a lashing that would make him rethink what he is doing to his children and the ppl he is supposed to represent.
Anonymous: I just found it misleading. She made it sound like they never met before.
Whether or not John's political career is "down the tubes" remains to be seen. As Priscilla said, she went to other new outlets and none of them picked it up. (Minus the Republican, which she told me she didn't go to.) Regardless, I don't see John pulling a whackjob over this letter. I think your comment was unnecessary.
So... she sounds like a woman scorned. No, she sounds like a woman who has been abused and has finally had the courage to stand up not only for herself, but for her children. She is breaking the cycle of abuse and I applaud her.
Will the voters find her position enough to oust her ex from his seat - only time will tell. However to all that have said she is bitter - have you looked up the references to the restraining orders, the court cases to be truly and factually sure of your take on the matter? My guess is most likely not.
Abusers do so because it make them feel powerful. Abuse the wife, abuse the children, abuse the power given to him by the people. It is all about power and control.
Is that the type of person anyone wants representing the interests of a community?
An abuser only knows how to represent themselves.
Yes Bill, I had met her before, but very briefly and we never had a conversation. I assume that she probably forgot about having met me.
This is exactly the kind of scandal I do not like to write about and seldom do, but this has the added dimension of getting the girlfriend on the payroll, which takes it out of the realm of the merely personal.
I like John Lysak, but I've always prided myself as being a source people could go to if they had a story to tell no one else would print. In this case I had to put aside my past support of John and do the right thing.
I hope this is a story with a happy ending, although I'm doubtful.
I think the woman that wrote the letter has alot of courage and is a role model for abused women everywhere. Abuse does thrive in the dark and it does sound like the ex has found the blog. Is this the kind of man that people want representing them? Well, at least he is giving people a taste of who he really is.
The following appeared in a chatroom.
Hello, all.
I have finally found someone who will tell my side of the abuse in the public. It is a locally read blog that deal with politics and social issues in our area. The blog writer has said that he will print my letter to him, word for word, only excluding my phone number. He agrees with me that if XH is using his political clout to abuse me and get jobs for his GF, then the public needs to know. He likes XH, but likes the truth and knowledge even more. In defference to XH, he will not put any personal comments regarding my letter, and will give XH the chance to respond.
Normally, during political campaigns, I would do damage control for XH and help him formulate responses to political attacks. I wonder who will cover for him now.
Many of the bloggers and activists that I spoke with privately supported me, but would not go public or publish my side. So I'm very nervous.
XH thinks that I've posted on websites talking about this stuff, and has threatened me with a defamation of character lawsuit. I didn't post those messages, but I'm now going public and I'm nervous. I don't know if his lawsuit has any merit. I know that his contention that I tamper with his mail and violate his "5th amendment rights" is BS designed to scare me, so I'm not worried about that.
It's my hope that with the truth out there, he will not win his election in the fall. I hate to take away his dreams, but he's been using his position as a public servant to circumvent the law and to continue his abuse. If he would have backed off, I wouldn't have said anything at all.
I really hope that I'm doing the right thing.
To read the rest go here:
Maybe she IS a pissed off wife, but I am here to tell you if I was married to an abusive jerk who cheated on me and abused the power of his office, I would be BEYOND PISSED OFF. And as for relevance of his domestic relations situation to his election, you better believe it's relevant. If he will cheat on her, he will cheat on US, the voters. And if he abused his power as a husband and father, he will certainly not hesitate to abuse his power if we elect him. He lost my vote!
I don't think she sounds like a scorned wife. To me she sounds like a woman who has had to put up with too much from her ex and wants the truth to come out so the voters can make an informed choice about John Lysak. I appreciate her telling us about this, and I know I now have no intention on voting for him in the next election.
I do wonder what else he has done that she isn't saying. Abuse doesn't happen in a vacuum. I wonder how he is doing in regards to paying child support? Is he paying it? Is he paying in full? On time? Those are the kinds of things abusers often do to their ex's, playing games with the child support, not caring if their children suffer. Tell us Mr. Lysak, are you up you date with your child support?
Wow. Just wow. She's terribly brave to break the cycle of abuse. It's pretty simple to go verify her claims.
Tom - as you have found an outlet that the writer uses, if you read history - you will see her story play out. The pain she and her children have dealt with.
So ratting out her online postings where until the post you reference - everything she posted was anonymous. She was seeking support from the internet because she couldn't find it in her home town.
Nice. An abused woman reaches out for help, and all you can do is whine about how she just sounds like a woman scorned, blah blah blah? Please. This guy is in a position of power, and he abuses that to abuse HER and HER CHILDREN regularly. But, I guess that's okay as long as you're on the right side of the political fence, right?
Yes, she was hidden on that other place, but I cannot jump to the conclusion that Tom Devine did this with malice. It is a good thing that those that want to know the other side of the story have a way to do so now.
But I do hope this doesn't get her or the children hurt. This story makes me very uneasy.
But now the voters are watching right?
If you read past posts at that message board, you can see that she has struggled with this for a long time. First with the decision to divorce, then with the protection of her children. Please use the link provided to understand why she felt this was necessary. She is still fighting for her children's safety, both mental and physical.
There is no due process with the filing of a restraining order. Only one side is heard, they are common. Often they are used as a weapon in the custody process.
There has to be history of abuse to get a restraining order. Due process. What are you talking about? We're talking about a way to protect people from being further abused while they file charges and go to court, to give them TIME for DUE PROCESS without risking their LIVES in many cases.
Tragic, that she had to go to such lengths, but if she had to, F him. Can't stand wife beaters, and as a recently retired cop, I got to see a few women and the crap they took. Lennon was right. You know the line. Freaking cowards. Go have a couple of beers, go see a buddy. Hurting anyone sucks, and outside of war, there's no place for it in life.
Tim I hadn't heard you retired. Congratulations, now you have time to see all the concerts you want!
No statement yet from John Lysak of any kind through any medium I'm aware of, and that silence is deafening.
I truly hated even printing that letter, but she had legal documentation and there was the business of the girlfriend's job, which makes it public business involving public money.
Actually I wanted to call John before printing anything, but then realized that I would be tipping him off that she was going public, which could have had disastrous consequences if her abuse charges are true.
I didn't to want to be like the Springfield Newspaper journalists who had whistle blowers coming to them about Matty Ryan, and then would call Matty for "his side of the story" which of course would have the effect of alerting Ryan of who was ratting him out so he could retaliate. Fortunately the Boston Globe picked up the story before Matty could seek full vengeance.
In the end printing her letter was a close judgment call, and when it's fifty-fifty, I always go with publishing. Besides, Lysak's opponents would have thrown the girlfriend on the payroll and the restraining orders into the campaign anyway, and in far more hostile fashion than the neutral, no comment from me manner I did. This story was coming out no matter what, that it came out on my blog is beside the point.
@Bill: I dont think my comments were out of line at all. Abusers are at their worst when someone leaves or exposes them for what they are. I am saying to her to be careful. Now..go away and dont talk to me.
Wow. What arrogance on the part of the Blogger. i would hardly call this a main stream news source but I guess the Drudge Report has to start somewhere. I think it is really telling that the "legitimate journalists refused to print this piece of garbage. I agree the fact that he got his girlfriend a job should be researched and then printed if true. Printing the entire letter shows little class or professionalism. Anyone can write a letter and say whatever they want. need to do the research first then print! I don't think John should respond on any of the personal attacks, but should respond if the allegations regarding his girlfriend are true. As for his opponent using this against him... I would hope he had more class than that.
Mr. Devine,
Please also note that John's uncle (I believe his name is Don Baker?) is also a retired member of the police force (possibly the detective force). This makes me believe that the accusation regarding the girl friend would tend to be true as John would have the connections within the dept. thank to family.
John should come out with a statement on this letter. Silence is, I will agree with Tom, deafening.
Domestic abuse does happen, it's not a myth. It happens at every class and income level, not just the poor and marginalized. And yes, after divorce, the abuser will often turn his abuse to those who are still available to be abused, i.e., the children. Hurting their children is the most effective way for an abuser to still hurt his wife.
Threats, intimidation and secrecy are how it's allowed to continue.
This is not some pie in the sky scenario. It's common. The only uncommon thing in this letter is the author's bravery.
What a brave woman. Both to leave him and to speak out. Elizabeth Edwards was brave in a different way. History might have been changed if she had spoken out about who John Edwards really is.
What a model this woman is for making an example of the evil politician. I represent a group that ministers to victims of abuse and I have to say that you such a fine example of what I tell my group to say and do. Would you consider speaking to groups of abused women so they can learn from your example? Such a saint!
I agree! You are such a hero! You probably don't live in Springfield, but if you did, would you consider running for office?
I agree, she is saintly and brave and I too agree that she should run for office somewhere. She is such a wonderful example for all of us. I hope that Priscilla knows how beautiful she is, despite this monster as I am sure he made her feel otherwise.
Anonymous said . . .
"Like many "victims" of domestic violence, apparently she doesn't listen. She also needs to lay off the Buffet."
Doesn't listen to what? And what "not listening" justifies abuse?
Oh, and what do Warren or Jimmy have to do with anything? Because of course you are not suggesting that an overweight woman deserves to be abused, especially by a hugely overweight man.
I have spent time on council business with John and <s. Rivera and I come to a different take...He has been a good listener and polite friendly and kind same with Ms. Rivera. I think a nasty divorce can make people behave out of character and as a woman I find his wife's actions that of someone who is out to hurt her exspouse. I feel sorry for the children .(they are fighting over them like kids with a candy bar) Grow up both of you!
To Anonymous @ 7/16/11 @ 12:02 PM:
Abusers are often a model of charm and compassion to outsiders. How many people have been arrested for crimes, and their friends and neighbors say, "We had no idea; they seemed so nice!"
I think it is safe to say that we will never know for sure exactly what went on behind closed doors. But, the wife has a history of taking out restraining orders against John. She says that anyone can find them at the courthouse. Someone who is lying will not plant a trail that anyone can follow, unless they have a way to prove it. I'd say that a history of restraining orders garners her some credibility that this isn't just a stunt for custody. It points to a years-long history of abuse.
Add to that that he got his girlfriend a job with the SPD? Hasn't Springfield had enough of public corruption and patronage jobs? Why isn't the local media doing a story about this?
I too am disappointed by the cowardliness shown by our local media regarding this story. Regardless of what the truth is, a woman accusing a public official of personal abuse and misuse of their office is NEWS! No one asked John Edwards, Rep. Weiner or other public officials whose messy private lives spilled into the public arena for permission to report the accusations against them. The mere fact that accusations were made are of public interest all by themselves! Am I the only writer in this Valley with any balls?
'Anonymous said...
I have spent time on council business with John and <s. Rivera and I come to a different take...He has been a good listener and polite friendly and kind same with Ms. Rivera. '
In the public, of course he is. I know him to be the same way in the public as well. The problem is is that he is not genuine when it comes to being kind, friendly, etc. He is normally like that to either people he doesn't know or those he believes he can get something from. Most sociopaths are like that.
Tom, have you considered contacting the media about this as well? Has John come out with a public statement yet?
" Most sociopaths are like that." Sounds like Priscilla. I know John and Priscilla, neither one are perfect. But John used to always complain about how she thought she was a Therapist and she diagnosed everyone. She used to say her mom was a Sociopath, and her dad was a Megalomaniac. It used to drive everyone nuts went they would visit them. She once told that I should leave my wife, because she wasn't a good enough earner. She was always quick to point out faults without ever acknowloging her own. I'm not saying John was perfect, but I know them well enough to know the truth. Which this isn't.
I assure you, I am not Priscila. Nice try though.
If the media is going to report every womans "domestic abuse" story regarding her Ex, than the media would be knocking door to door to get it. If that were the case,I am sure thats all they would be reporting on an hourly basis.I am more worried about getting robbed or shot than not giving a politition a vote based on his ex-wifes claim. Please get therapy and move on, you just might become a happier person.
Personally I think it is hilarious and very telling that the rants of this disenchanted woman have fallen on deaf ears. The fact that an irrelevant blogger and boaderline tabloid journalist is the only one to print is evidence of the alligations lack of substance. I guess she has lost this battle and will most likely continue to fade into obscurity while Councilor Lysak continues to work hard and climb the ladder of success. I am truly sorry that Mr. Lysak and his wonderful kids have to cross to carry. Hopefully he takes solace in consideration of the source. Each time she posts under the Anonymous moniker she continues to prove how truly embittered she is. To quote the great Yul Brenner "let (her) speak so that the world may know (her) mad."
Time for a change. Www.voteforramos.com
A true leader and model of family values!
There are some statements that should be easy to verify which will show Ms. Lysak is telling the truth.
1. Does or did Ms. Rivera have a relationship with John Lysak.
2. Does Ms. Rivera work for the SPD.
3. What the job qualifications are for Ms. Rivera's job.
4. Does Ms. Rivera meet or exceed *all* of them.
The fact that none of John Lysak's supporters has refuted Ms. Lysak's statement about Ms. Rivera receiving her job because of John Lysak's influence lends credence to Ms. Lysak's claim.
I also do not understand why the rest of the media has not investigated this - to either prove its truth, or to show it is inaccurate. Surely the voters need to know if one of their officials is corrupt. All such claims should be investigated, no matter the source.
Please stop wasting your time on this site and move on to more important matters. Clearly this issue has gained no traction and is as we say in the newspaper business "old news". This story rightly has gone from front page to fish wrap instantly. Looks like John Lysak continues to hold the faith, trust, and respect of his constituency. I guess you could always buy advertisements and run a smear campaign against him, just make sure to spell his name correctly! Any coverage is good coverage for a politician.
Definitely sounds like a bitter Ex wife. All she keep's bringing up is Ms. Rivera. Yeah, I think someones pissed he moved on. Does she not have a boyfriend? A job? A life? Domestic abuse? Seriously? Is that the only low blow you can use against him? Haven't they been separated for some time now and now the "allegations" come to light? I agree with the other of "seek therapy & move on" Where does "Vote Ramos" come into all of this non-sense? Mr. Lysak keep up the good work! My vote remain's with you!
I'm with you in my support of John! He will continue to make a fine Councilman! What a fool she is to try and take him down. I bet anything that Ramos is working with her.
Councilman Lysak has my support as well. What occurred in his marriage is none of my business. But what he has done and continues to do for the city I live in is, and as of today he has done nothing but good.
I for one have no desire to continue to pay for Lysak's Puerto Rican hootchie-mama.
As a resident of the Orchard, I voted for Mr. Lysak in 2009 on one particular issue in which he brought up and that was revitilizing the other riverfront we have in this city and that is in the Orchard. Not once.. NOT ONCE have I heard him bring up the subject or release a press statement about it since becoming councilor.
Mr. Lysak, you are just like the rest of them. This story does little more than sicken me further. I will vote for your opponent this year.
Orlando Ramos has promised to create new jobs and end violent crime in this city and ward. Thank you Mrs. Lysak for making it possible to give Ramos a chance. We need Ramos now more then ever.
God Bless
Lysak also hates puppies and kittens!
"Puerto rican hoochie- mama" I think someone is racist. Hey, she's one hot hoochie-mama! I'm sure Ramos has skeletons in his closet.
Ramos is a model human being. Please support him this fall. He loves Ward 8 and will serve us well! Voteforramos.com!
Shame on Orlando Ramos, candidate for Ward 8 for using this womans mad rants to help benefit his campaign. Sad, really sad.
These can hardly be considered mad rants if there is a years-long history, and political corruption as well. Yes, patronage jobs ARE political corruption.
Since she's told everyone where to look regarding her claims, for those of you denouncing her, have you bothered to look at the case that she talks about? Have you seen her restraining orders? And why are none of you talking about the fact that it is illegal for Mr. Lysak to use his political clout to get jobs for his girlfriend?
This is a relevant story. But as you all know, the local media is terrible at giving us voters accurate information regarding our elected officials. It is part of the reason why I read Tom's blog. No one in the mainstream media talked about the corruption that went on during Albano's tenure until he was long out of office.
I have read the documentation and I like the local media don't care. I troll Devines blog for news leads. He has been dry for quite awhile.
Sucks to be you... Whine whine whine... The media won't cover my lunatic rants... Whine whine whine. Lol
Tommy Devine's blog? Tasty pick... Bonehead!
When he says he is John Lysak, he ain't bragging, that's just fact!
Stay tuned... More to come.
Seems like Mr. Lysak is commenting on this blog, I can so tell which comments are his.
Actually, some of these rants making fun of Ms. Lysak seem more feminine, so maybe it's Ms. Rivera commenting? After all, she's the recipient of a patronage job, courtesy of the good ole boys' network, so she probably has lots of time (on our dime) to post. LOL!
Either that, or Mr. Lysak writes like a girl.
Well then I am glad she is getting some practice writing as I suspect we will seeing a similar letter from her in years to come!
I am Priscilla Lysak's father. I can't say for certain that the abuse did occur as stated. What I do know is that about 10 years ago, my daughter took the children and left John because of abuse. This is fact.
They later reconciled after John underwent counselling. I also know that Priscilla is a very private person and didn't share this previous abuse with me until she was desparate for help.
Priscilla has always been truthful with me and so, I believe her.
Timothy F. Hayes
Comes out later he raped a kid. Yeah the wife was probably just exaggerating
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