Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sons of Erin

Oh no, it was another unproductive weekend - unless you were producing shouts of laughter, in which case it was a weekend of overflow productivity! I did at least one thing that sort of resembled work, and that was helping my sister Beverly to move into her new apartment in Westfield. After all that hard work, we were feeling a bit parched so my sister and I headed over to the nearby Sons of Erin for a refreshing beverage or several.

The most popular Irish club in the Valley is Springfield's John Boyle O'Reilly Club, a place where my family rules! But the Sons of Erin are an equally cool bunch. There is no real rivalry between the clubs, since wherever Irish people gather there is always a sense of brotherhood. On our way inside, we paused by this memorial to those who lost their lives on Septemeber 11, 2001 in the Pioneer Valley.

A considerable time later, upon leaving the joint, my sister and I paused to admire the wall mural meant to represent an Irish nature scene. I guess we look in this picture like we're in Ireland, but only if Ireland were a cartoon. 

Being Irish is a big part of my family history and one of the forces which shaped who I am, but I don't take this ethnic trip too far. Being 100% American is good enough for me.

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