Monday, May 21, 2007

McCain in Boston 2000

Going through some of my photo archives recently, I came across these pictures showing presidential candidate Sen. John McCain addressing supporters in Copley Square in Boston on Mar. 4, 2000.

Former Councilor Mitch Ogulewicz and I were in the very front row, located so that we were in the direct path of CSPAN, which was filming the rally for national broadcast. As it turned out, the only person whose face was on the program more than Mitch and I was McCain himself! I heard from friends and relatives all over the country that they had seen me on national television. Here's a picture I took standing right beneath the Senator.

The head of the Western Mass John McCain for President campaign was a local lawyer and former mayor named Charles V. Ryan. Here is a picture of (L to R) Mitch, Joan Ryan, and Charlie after the rally.

McCain's 2008 campaign got off to a rocky start, but he seems to be finding his footing, helped by rhetoric such as denouncing the Congress for spending money like drunken sailors. Unfortunately, he said he had to drop that line after a Navy veteran wrote in complaining that being a former drunken sailor himself, he resented being compared to a politician.

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