Sunday, November 20, 2011

Going South


Hello Holyoke, ain't seen ya in a while.

At the Springfield bus terminal I was surprised to see that there are no more free papers available. It's buy the Springfield Republican or nothing.

I'm not sure that Peter Picknelly would have approved, but of course now ol' man Picknelly can only be found on a giant psychedelic sneaker in the bus station lobby.

I stopped by St. Michael's to check in on family and friends.

They're still dead. 


Welcome to beautiful downtown Pine Point!

I wish I could have back all the money I spent at Kappy's.

The former Pine Point Cafe.

Out the window of Doyle the Twig Painter. 

Doyle and some fun loving Pine Pointers in 1993. 


Anonymous said...

Nice to see Northampton get national exposure as a cool place.

Tim said...

Hey Tom? What would you do with your Kappy's money? Do you remember when it was called Bonanza? Ever shotgun a beer in the walk in "help yourself" cooler?

Tom said...

I forgot it was called Bonanza. I hold no grudge against Kappy's, it weren't nobody's fault but mine.