During the recent New Hampshire presidential primary Amherst activist Terry Franklin was up to some creative mischief with his Freedom Bus Caravan. Here is an exclusive report on his exploits:
Our year-long goal was to establish a presence in the middle of the media frenzy of the NH presidential campaign. We did it. We certainly dogged the candidates relentlessly, and put the issue of legalization on the agenda in a way it hadn't been before.
In any campaign, many issues are involved, so we can't claim total credit, but I like to think that we did our part in preempting the most extreme social-conservative candidates, Gingrich and Santorum, from taking off early in the race -- they came in 4th & 5th of the five running.
For several days in the week before the primary election, a college convention in Concord brought many SSDP activists to the state. They were fantastic -- and especially instrumental in getting into candidate forums with persistent questions on Prohibition. Willie Nelson's Teapot Party was also active, as were many local Libertarians. The candidates couldn't go anywhere and have any doubt that this was one of the issues of the year.
In one of my favorite moments, I had left my "End the Drug War" sign stuck in the ground in front of a house, as I ran off to do some filming. It was standing by itself, away from the tumult of political activity down the street. Probably looked like something a local citizen had put up. As Mitt Romney left the debate, and drove away, I was able to see his head turn to look at the message on that isolated sign. While we did our part to get the dialog going, I can't help feeling disappointed we couldn't do better with the opportunity.
Donors were very few. Overall, fundraising was dismal (this isn't true just for FBC, but for the entire Movement nationwide). A bare bones operation was all we could manage, and many good plans were dropped.
Our numbers were small. We never had more than two dozen at any demonstration. I don't know what the problem was. Our potential base has always been huge. Perhaps we just couldn't get across to people what an opportunity this was, having the nation's media stumbling all over each other looking for a story. (Actually it was the world's media -- I was interviewed at one point on legalization by the Tokyo Broadcasting System.) While there were some inspiring videos in the alternative media, and the mainstream media covered us extensively... I believe if we had been able to turn out hundreds, rather than dozens, most of that footage wouldn't have ended up on the cutting room floor.
There are no doubt many explanations for our small size. Many opponents of Prohibition have gravitated to Ron Paul -- and thus were holding his campaign signs rather than legalization signs. The "Occupy" Movement diverted people in other directions. And, even there, *it* had been going on for so many months by the time of the primary, that the numbers had dwindled greatly -- no "Occupy" event had more than 100. People just wouldn't turn out. They stayed home on the couch. It's really too bad -- the weather was abnormally warm for a northern winter, and those of us who did participate had a wonderful experience of solidarity.
After 75 years, Prohibition continues to be a black mark on our society. (Check YouTube for New Hampshire's "Nurse Patricia." She headed to prison last month.) Finally, there have been unprecedented serious discussions of ending it. Dr. Paul's being in the debates has been extremely valuable. But in addition, many liberal commentators are coming out of the closet. Still, the struggle has barely begun. I know there were some FBC-inspired protests during the South Carolina and Florida primaries. But in many states, the Republican candidates -- and Mr. Obama -- are not yet facing enough public outcry. Let's get moving. I know I will be doing my best to stir up activism for the road ahead to victory.
Meanwhile the Irish aliens have landed in Northampton.
On a Hamp sidewalk at dawn.
1 comment:
Terry Franklin is a dangerous radical!
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