Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day 2012


It's Earth Day and the weather is sucky. Northampton City Hall looks dreary with the windows all boarded up while undergoing renovations.


The Yellow Sofa coffeehouse may have closed, but their traditions live on. Ironic how the iconic sofa is shown being carried past The Roost, the popular establishment that some have blamed for driving The Yellow Sofa out of business.


Posters are all over town for these hipster humpday parties.



A No H8 display in the Robert Frost Library at Amherst College.


A pig runs out to greet me as I pass Simple Gifts Farm in Amherst.


420 poster at UMass.


The rain forced the UMass Earth Day concert under a tent.


Rock star wisdom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great hendrix quote!