Saturday, May 26, 2012

Amherst Trail


The farm fields of Hadley enroute to Amherst.


This afternoon we parked in the lot by the Amherst Media Center. 


Then we walked down the street on the woodland side until we came to this big rock.

Push aside the leaves and you realize you are on an official trail. 

The older benches along the trail have melted back into the earth. 

One of the benches has this graffiti on it. What an odd thing to say. What inspired someone to write it?

Your reward at the end of the trail is to sit and contemplate this view.

Check that trail out for yourself sometime.

Have a fun Memorial Day weekend!


Foggy Notion said...

I pulled a couple of pretty good sized pickerel out of that little pond once upon a time...

Tim said...

I take it that guy is a "rock guitarist?"