Monday, June 25, 2012

Looking Around


Our Valley.

The weather has been hot and sticky around here, but we're making the best of it. 


Scary psychedelic outlaw in a Hamp window.



Is this a documentary about me?


Tree lover on the woodland way.


Tree lovers in Amherst 



In Amherst they love to protest.



In Holyoke they love The Boss. 


Kid on the bus with a new guitar.


Rockin out in Springfield.


Storm clouds over Pine Point


Anonymous said...

I was at that Deer Tick concert at the John Boyle O'Reilly. They are an awesome band!

Foggy Notion said...

Nothing quite warms my heart like the sight of the (former) Pine Point Cafe and the (former) Linehan's Package Store. I remember a conversation between my grandfather and the pharmacist over there, (Peter's Drugs?) sometime in the late 60’s about the 'hippies' the caught hanging out and sleeping on mattresses on the roof of the package store. Anybody you knew, Tom?

Tim said...

How about just "jobs" first? Jobs with justice can come later. Nice economy you got here, Barry.

Tom said...

Foggy you are right. There were wild LSD parties on that roof.