You would think that a wealthy community like Amherst (sometimes called The Academic Longmeadow) would have a less tattered welcoming sign.
This sign outside an Amherst church usually has a message of peace and love.
It would have more credibility if they didn't also have a sign supporting a racist hate group. They had to put it up high on the wall because good citizens kept tearing it down.
Looks like some kind of seafood restaurant is moving into the old Judie's space. Ain't it about time to take down your Christmas decorations, Amherst?
I never cared much for Judie's. Their food was good but their prices were high and their portions small.
Even the trash alleyways in Amherst are arty.
The renovation of the parking space across from Town Hall came out nice enough. However, that was a lot of valuable downtown parking that was lost for a public space that can't be used more than half the year. It also seats very few people.
Amherst ice dragon.
Unfortunately, they tend to be loud on all the wrong issues.
Got any favorite old clothes you can't wear anymore because they are falling apart? Then meet Max, who hangs out in Northampton's Masonic Street Laundromat and is ready to try to bring your old duds back to life for a negotiable price.
He's only been there for a little more than a month and has already had over 150 customers. So don't throw that beloved, perfectly fitting pair of old jeans in the trash just yet - instead let Max take a look at them on Saturdays from 9am-1pm and Tuesdays from 1:30-5:30pm.
Here's an interesting event coming up next week in the state capitol. As you can see in the insert, there is also a demonstration planned for the same day and time by those who want to keep Boston a sanctuary city. Should be an interesting one on one encounter of opposing views!
Boston at peace.
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