Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lessons Not Learned

The Price we Pay

In 1989 millions of people were suddenly freed from socialist oppression when most of the communist world collapsed because of the failure of their socialist economies and the firm military pressure of the United States under the leadership of Ronald Reagan and the first George Bush. Yet virtually no media acknowledgement has been made of the twenty year anniversary of what might arguably be called the most important year in modern history. The only commemoration I've seen locally is a display in the Robert Frost Library at Amherst College. 

How did we win the Cold War, and yet seem to have completely forgotten the lessons of that victory? Part of it is due to the domination of our higher education system by leftists, who at the time of the socialist collapse were still preaching about the "historical inevtablity" of socialism. The fall of the Berlin Wall should have been followed by the mass resignations of the heads of the humanities departments of nearly all our leading colleges and universities. 

Instead, they stayed on and pretended the fall of the socialist world had no significance. Therefore, most Americans have never been properly educated about the Cold War, what it meant, and the important lessons to be learned. While the rest of the world is embracing free markets and enjoying the prosperity it brings, ironically the United States is trapped in a leftward drift with fading freedoms and a government crippled economy.

Cool Ad

This commercial from Alabama is a masterpiece of reverse psychology. 


Amherst Antics

One good way to decorate this abandoned storefront in downtown Amherst is to let kids paint Halloween pictures on it.

The UMass Chess Club holds its meetings in the Blue Wall, the better to attract new members.

I was walking past the headquarters of the UMass Cannabis Club and saw that libertarian activist Terry Franklin was hanging out. I stopped in and took his picture.

Then he took mine.

Across the hall I saw this safe sex bulletin board decorated with drawsings of vaginas. Click photo to enlarge. 


Wow, I remember just a few years ago there was a big stink at UMass about a public display of the image of a cock in a condom with a mouth near it. There was even a decency rally

Personally I do not find images of genitalia offensive. But why the protest by some over the male anatomy display but not the female? Is there a double standard? 

Good News

This coffeshop on King Street in Northampton is very popular.

Walking past it the other night after it was closed I saw this sign in the window that no doubt thrilled some anxious biker. 

Today's Video

A beautiful performance by Storm the Ohio in Northampton last week



  1. Gotta admit Tom,

    Half the guys you see on the beach or in their yard, with their shirts off, got more on the shelf than most women, (albeit highly disgusting packages), and no one bats an eyelash. But show half a boob in the mall feeding a child and God forbid! We are a f'ed up country when it comes to "decency."

  2. Tommy,

    Re the fall of communism, I strongly recommend you hunt down a copy of Tony Judt's 2005 book "Postwar' for a solid overview.

    (At 800+pages it will certainly keep you busy for a coupleof days, if not weeks!)

  3. "The fall of the Berlin Wall should have been followed by the mass resignations of the heads of the humanities departments of nearly all our leading colleges and universities".

    Do you need any more proof that the liberal elitists lust only for power and control? They don't give a shit about poverty,suffering or helping anyone! They are the new nazis.

  4. Ahhh, I remember when that place was a Jim Dandy's! 40 and pushing it...
