Saturday, October 17, 2009

No Apologies

I don't know what annoys me more about this bumpersticker I spotted in Amherst - the arrogance or the stupidity. 

America has nothing to apologize to the world for; if anything the world should apologize to us. 

This morning at UMass I came upon these students drilling holes in the lawn in front of the Old Chapel.

It turns out they were planting daffodils to honor the 10th anniversary of the Honors College program.

Nearby these hardy flowers were blooming alongside the library.


  1. Anyone who is seriously thinking of Palin for President needs to have their head examined.

  2. Tom,

    I usually am in line with your thinking, but this particular "episode," 100% on board. I can only hope there's more of us out there. Certainly, Obama and his followers are very much "out there." Here's hoping in 12' they're "out of there."

  3. "America has nothing to apologize to the world for; if anything the world should apologize to us. "

    Let's examine just why that is a provably false statement shall we? Biggest polluter on the planet, biggest creator of nuclear and toxic waste, exporter of nuclear weapons technology, George W Bush, overly religious, pro-hunting, pro-war, anti-truth, our criminal conduct in the UN, criminalization of homosexual conduct, war on drugs,I could go on forever...

    Tom, don't think that having your head in the sand allows you to make blanket statments that support your political views, yet can be proven false. I am sure you can articulate yourself better than this.

  4. "America has nothing to apologize to the world for; if anything the world should apologize to us. "

    Let's examine just why that is a provably false statement shall we? Biggest polluter on the planet, biggest creator of nuclear and toxic waste, exporter of nuclear weapons technology, George W Bush, overly religious, pro-hunting, pro-war, anti-truth, our criminal conduct in the UN, criminalization of homosexual conduct, war on drugs,I could go on forever...

    Tom, don't think that having your head in the sand allows you to make blanket statments that support your political views, yet can be proven false. I am sure you can articulate yourself better than this.

  5. Greg, posting twice won't make that rant any more sensible. Compared to other countries on this planet, we're not doing too bad. I'm sure you're some suburb raised guilty white guy. Like the Who says; You are forgiven, FOR-given, For-given!! Now, go have an enjoyable life.

  6. Good points greg, this country has never ever even once done any good things at all, never even once and don't you ever foget it

  7. As anonymous says; "Never foget!" Another thing our country failed at. Educating you.
