On Election Day
This is the polling place where I went to vote this morning before work.
Einstein theorized that gravity distorted reality but he was wrong - politics does.
When I went downtown to catch the bus to UMass I saw this battered sign sitting in the trash, where it belongs.
Good thing I left extra early because voting made me miss the bus. Oh well, I guess I'll just schlep around downtown and do a little window shopping until the next bus comes.
Bumper stickers are big sellers around these parts. Nearly everyone has got one or two on their car, laptop or bike.
This sextoy store is not shy about announcing its presence.
I guess this was inevitable - official Grateful Dead psychedelic sneakers.
Good thing Jerry Garcia was cremated instead of buried, because if he saw how commercialized the Dead have become since he died he'd be spinning in his grave - although no doubt twirling to a jammy beat.
I got sick of looking at things I couldn't buy, so I stopped in at the beloved Haymarket for a coffee to go to drink on the bus ride.
In all it was not a bad start to the day.
Latest Polls from Real Clear Politics
Obama: Approve - 51.1% Disapprove - 43.9%
Congress: Approve - 24.8% Disapprove 66.4%
Direction of Country: Right Direction - 38.8% Wrong Direction - 55.5%
Good Media Advice
When you have a severe recession and you have something transformational as we now see unfolding with the Web, you have to do two things. One, you have to address the immediate circumstances, which means belt tightening. But at the same time, you have to invest for the future. And thankfully, 12 years ago, when we went online as did everyone else, we did not make the mistake that many print publishers made, and that was to think you take the printed page, throw it online, and there you have your electronic publishing. When Thomas Edison invented movies, some people thought you’d film a stage play and that was a feature film. No. It’s an entirely different medium.
- Steve Forbes of Forbes Magazine.
Today's Video
I've misplaced something.
Nice photos as always Tom!