Sunday, February 7, 2010

Coolidge on Debt

The Fuse is Lit

Of all the challenges facing America today, nothing is more threatening to our future as our ballooning national debt, which threatens to lock our nation into a permanent recession. Hopefully a libertarian revolution will arise in time to escape disaster, but the hour already grows late. Here is former Northampton Mayor (and the only Pioneer Valley resident ever elected to the presidency) Calvin Coolidge lecturing the nation on fiscal responsibility in 1924.

We could use a man like Calvin Coolidge today.

Birds of a Feather

Have you noticed at the supermarket check-out what the tabloids are doing to John Edwards? By the time they are through with him he will be the most hated man in America. 

And whose judgement was so poor that they thought that the despicable Edwards should be a heartbeat away from the presidency? Why it was Massachusetts' own John Kerry, who picked Edwards as his vice-presidential running mate in 2004.

Maybe its time for Massachusetts to have a second new Senator!

At Raos

Today I went to Raos Coffeeshop in downtown Amherst.

Unlike many times I've been there, it wasn't too crowded.

I see that Raos has a new line of t-shirts, with a big eye on the back. 

Raos coffee is indeed a real eye-opener which they brew very high in cafeine - and we love them for it! While I was there I ran into my friend Will who showed me a math problem he invented that was published in the November issue of The College Mathematics Journal


Not only could I not solve the math problem, I couldn't even understand it!


  1. John Kerry should have been thrown out of office long ago!

  2. I'll tell you Tom, maybe its because due to my job, I have years of experience dealing with thieves, and generally nasty people who lie and steal for a living. But, honestly the FIRST TIME I laid eyes on that Edwards guy, all kinds of alarms were going off. Just look at him. That guy is slicker than an eel. And as far as Kerry goes; he reminds me of a game David Letterman sometimes plays on his show, called "Is this anything?" If John Kerry was the subject in question, I think the answer is obvious. NO!

  3. thanks tommy, i missed this one....

    "my ship still stands no matter what you drop, there ain't a whole lot that you can do..."

  4. The debt bomb is even uglier than that. The chart doesn't show the total, 'gross debt', which would include entitlements and social security, bringing the total debt to over 12 trillion. And even that number wouldn't include state and local government debt. At some point the collector will be at the door...
