Friday, February 26, 2010

Deval's Comeback

New Governor's Race Poll


The latest poll in the Massachusetts Governor's race has some interesting results. While the primary is not until September and the decisive voting is in November, at this early stage it appears that the previously assumed doomed Deval Patrick is making a comeback. He definitely does not appear to be threatened in the Democrat primary by leftist activist Grace Ross:

Patrick - 59%
Ross - 15%
Undecided - 26%

On the Republican side, former Weld Administration official Charlie Baker has a commanding lead over fiscal conservative Christie Mihos; but with his total still below 50%, Baker can't be said to have the nomination in the bag just yet.

Baker - 47%
Mihos - 17%
Undecided - 36%

Christy Mihos in East Longmeadow recently. (W.Dusty photo)


However, if the current front runners, plus third party candidate Tim Cahill and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are polled in a four way match-up, these are the results:

Patrick - 33%
Baker - 25%
Cahill - 23%
Stein - 3%
Undecided - 16%

No surprise that fringe candidate Stein appears out of it, but the apparent strength of Deval Patrick is surprising and leaves Republicans feeling desperate to try to find a way to get Cahill out of the race.

The blogger known as Rambling Van Dog took this amazing photo of Holyoke City Hall.

Three Pics

The Amherst Survival Center.

The Northampton version. 

Out the back window of the Haymarket Cafe yesterday.


The Music Section

Jerry Garcia's pal David Bromberg in Northampton Wednesday night.

Trevor Hall in Boston last weekend. 


  1. Thanks for the link love Tommy!

    OMG! is that your city council in the video? I'm so sorry for you. At least they have comedic value.

  2. Those councilors are old school relics. The next generation elected will more likely know what they're talking about...

    Still, kind of surprising for Northampton...

  3. i have smoked weed with doctors, lawyers and builders, all of whom reside in hamp. i would bet that more than 50% of the residents toke it up once in a while. these council-persons are fucking idiots with narrowminded agendas.

    that woman in the middle needs a good screw, i'd say....that'd loosen her up.
