Monday, March 22, 2010

WMass Tea Partiers Arrested

Yesterday in Washington D.C.


Tea Partiers protesting in Springfield in January.

The national media was reporting yesterday afternoon that two people in the gallery of the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives were arrested for shouting slogans in opposition to the government healthcare takeover at the lawmakers below. What wasn't discovered until today is that the two are Western Massachusetts residents - Dave Sanders of Wilbraham and William Gunn of the town of Ware. The disruption was reported by nearly all major media but the most concise account of the incident, which included expressions of outrage from Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank, appeared in the D.C. journal Roll Call:

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said Sunday that Republicans acted like “clowns” by egging on tea party protesters in the House gallery who were dragged out for shouting out against health care reform. A protester “stood up and started yelling, ‘kill the bill!’ … and then the Republicans started cheering him on,”

Frank vented to reporters after the incident. “You have dozens of Republicans standing and applauding and cheering on a guy who was disrupting the proceedings and resisting court officers. It’s really disgraceful.” Although Frank referred to only a single protester, Capitol Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider later said two men were arrested in the incident. William Gunn and David Sanders, both from Massachusetts, were charged with disruption of Congress, Schneider said.

Rowdy tea party protesters have flooded the Capitol grounds in recent days to oppose health care reform; group organizers on Sunday were encouraging attendees at a rally to get gallery passes and bring their message directly to lawmakers.

A visit to the website of the activist organization to which both activists belong The Western Mass 912 Group shows photographs of both of the men who were arrested yesterday in the Capitol. Here is Sanders of Wilbraham:

This is William Gunn and presumably a young Gunn.

Gunn looks familiar to me. I suspect this is him waving a "Don't Tread on Me" flag outside of the appearance of Barney Frank at UMass recently.

If so it would be ironic that it was Frank who would later denounce him and Sanders in the national media.

Both the Western Mass teapartiers have been released from custody and are back in the area and posting on the 912 Group website, where they are receiving mostly congratulatory messages from supporters. Most of the comments reflect the sentiment that their act of civil disobedience was justified, as in the spirit of this one quote by Orwell that someone posted:

"Speaking the truth during times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell

To read all the comments click here.

Post Parade

No, I did not go to the big parade yesterday in Holyoke, but the ever intrepid Kristen Beam did and here are a few of her snaps.

Naturally the media was out in full force, but this time they were also participants, not just observers. Of course if you want good weather for the parade invite the weathermen to march! Here are the Channel 22 folks Ryan Walsh, Brian Lapis and Adam Strzempko. 

Dave Madsen and Eric Fisher of TV40. 

Springfield Mayor Dom Sarno and his police department. 

The rock star himself, Senator Scott Brown. 

Representative D. Humason and Westfield Mayor Knapik.


When the crowds departed, only the trash remained. 

The Music Section

Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right. 


  1. barney can never pass up the opportunity to show everyone what an idiot he is

  2. Tea Party: what we used to call Fascism....

    (Oh, and did I mention more than a bit of racism as well?)

    Wake up folks: this is the same shit my father spent '41 - '45 getting shot at over....

  3. Anonymous #2,
    Do you know what fascism really is? Look it up in something beside the Micheale Moore's book of political bomb words. Fascism is a form of socialism where in government or society does not control industry or production but government closely regulates production. In a fascist state the government decides what industry makes it and what industry does not.
    Usually fascism is ultimately rejected by the people after it is too late and the "brownshirt" types will be required to keep the order. Coming soon to a country near you!
    It's funny that the same people that would support a fascist idea (see above), toss the word around and do not even realize they are supporting the system they deride.
    We, the tea partiers, voice our opinion that the central government must remain as small as possible in order to preserve the liberties of the most, and somehow that is fascist. Give me a break!
    As far as racism goes; it is wrong and anyone practicing it should be admonished. Therefor affirmative action should be eliminated, the Congressional Black caucus should not be prohibiting white and Latino members, let's face it the most racist policies ever seen are the progressive policies that assume minorities can not succeed without government intervention. The progressive idea of placing a planned parenthood abortion mill in every black neighborhood in the country. The progressive idea to keep the races angry at each other by creating different classes of people via government fiats.
    Oh well we probably disagree on a lot, but if you took the time to drop the hate, you would probably find we agree on much. Give me a call sometime.
    Bill Gunn

  4. "Communism" and "Fascism" are the same, they each result in tyranny and each ultimately offer a "final solution".

    To the poor schmuck eking out a living in the village, either form of tyranny looks the same.

  5. Bill,

    Do you think Anon#2 has any ability to comprehend what you just explained?

  6. After reviewing the picture of GunnBoy, it's easy to understand why people who live in the eastern part of this state think people in the *western* part eat their young. Ya want some salt wit' dat small fry, boy? What a loser.

  7. anonymous 5,
    The intelligence of your post has overwhelmed me. It must be difficult associating with the "un-washed masses"! You are truly an idiot.

  8. Bless you, brave patriots Gunn and Sanders, our nation cheers your courageous act.

  9. Anonymous said...
    anonymous 5,
    The intelligence of your post has overwhelmed me. It must be difficult associating with the "un-washed masses"! You are truly an idiot.
    Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:24:00 PM EDT

    Actually, there are plenty of hard working, intelligent "unwashed masses" out there that are a million times smarter as you are. You comment confirms that you wouldn't know a fascist if one bit you in the ass, you jerk.

  10. Throw those right wing radicals in jail and throw away the key.

  11. In the future monuments shall honor the names of Gunn and Sanders.

  12. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and the rest of these neocon warmongers are traitors. They openly disrespect President Obama, lie about our hard-working public servants, and stirr hate. As much as you neocons don't like this, unless you can use it against the left, for whom we have to thank for having ANY freedom in this country, the fact is that hate speech is NOT and has NEVER BEEN protected by the First Ammendment. Neither is incitement to violence (read: tea parties, neocon talk radio, FOX News, etc ad nauseum).

    Their empty-headded rants are FINALLY (more) illegal, thanks to long-overdue hatespeech laws. Despite the fact that anyone with a modicum of common sense always knew that freedom of speech did not mean that one could incite the public against their lawful government, that it did not protect any speech the purpose of which is to promote criminal activity, and that it did not protect sexism, racism, or anything else that promotes inequality, there has had to be a law on books DIRECTLY SITING hatespeech so that the morons can no longer argue their non-point. Let’s get something straight. The First Ammendment NEVER protected racism and enciting the public against the government. People used to hang vermin like this, not allow them unpoliced access to our airwaves and to the ears, hearts, and minds of our children.

    Were it up to me, I would line every last one of these maggots, including anyone and everyone who has ever worked for or with Fox News, against a brick wall, and I would gleefully order the firing squad to machine gun them. Honestly, I'd like to be on that firing squad. It's these facist-capitalist monsters who've put countless children on the street, tried to run hard-working people out of our lazy hellhole of a country because gee, they have brown skin! Hell, I'd be smiling while I’d put it on Pay-Per-View and use the proceeds for AIDS research.

    In short, the only way that these inciters, the vermin behind these tea-bagging get-togethers (most likely the American Nazi Party) could possibly do society any good would be as fertilizer. Let them give back to the planet that they've been raping for a few over-inflated bucks. I'd also offer up having them pound out license plates in prison, but if left alive among the general populace, they'd probably turn them into FOX "News" junkies, and then the prisoners would all be FAR worse than they already are at this time!

  13. In 1940, the Alien Registration Act, or "Smith Act", was passed, which made it a crime to advocate or to teach the desirability of overthrowing the United States Government, or to be a member of any organization which does the same. It was often used against Communist Party organizations. This Act was invoked in three major cases, one of which against the Socialist Worker's Party in Minneapolis in 1941, resulting in 23 convictions, and again in what became known as the Great Sedition Trial of 1944 in which a number of pro-Nazi figures were indicted but released when the prosecution ended in a mistrial. Also, a series of trials of 140 leaders of the Communist Party USA also relied upon the terms of the "Smith Act" - beginning in 1949 - and lasting until 1957. Although the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the convictions of 11 CPUSA leaders in 1951, that same Court reversed itself in 1957 in the case of Yates v. United States, by ruling that teaching an ideal, no matter how harmful it may seem, does not equal advocating or planning its implementation. Although unused since at least 1961, the "Smith Act" remains a Federal law.

    By this law, these goddamned teabaggers not only can, but should be prosecuted.

  14. Patrick, there is nothing evil about patriotism. These teabaggers are all a bunch of racists and morons fed lies by Fox so-called "news". Rather than to think for themselves, they've been brainwashed by people who ARE evil, whose intention is to overthrow a democratically electred president, easilly the BEST president (yes, even better than President Clinton) that this nation has ever had. Why? Because of the colour of his skin.

    Please, don't waste time trying to feed us the usual neocon bull. These people weren't protesting when George W. Bush, whom most of the idiots probably all but worship, was raising taxes. Did Bush's programs help the American people? No. His big spending was for an illegal war, so that he could avenge his daddy's tarnished reputation by (leave it to a Repugnican to come up with this) fighting an unjust war and lying to the public. At least Barack's plans will mean that Americans are cared for.

    Yeah. I'm "evil", all right, but only because you're a brainwashed idiot. Go crawl back into your little hole and let Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and the rest of your little KKK club tell you how to think. Moron.


  16. The Tea Party, much like their brothers in arms, the KKK, won't save diddly squat. You neocon facists aught go march off of the nearest cliff and join your patron saint, Hitler, in Hell.

    It is the duty of every true, patriotic American to take a stand against racism, biggotry, and hate-mongering of all forms. We must rise up and DEMAND that our government silence the extreme, wako, right-wing nutjobs.

    At the very least, the lot of them are guilty of sedition. Often, their crimes are full-blown treason. Is it not ironic that these teabaggers, domestic terrorists, one and all, are, for absurd reasons, ignored in our War on Terror (as the neocons love to label their facist war machine)?

    I mean no disrespect to our troops, who I know, in their hearts, fight for the safety and security of the American people. Instead, it is these neocon liars who I blame for this travesty. None the less, if this war is really a war on terror, as the facists would love for you to believe without question, then is it not more wise to focus FIRST on terrorists *in our own back yard*, and THEN to worry about those overseas?

    Of course, if the teabaggers were protesting *against* so-called "White Pride", then they'd be a threat to the repugnican agenda. We must now ask ourselves about change in this country. Would we rather have the positive, progressive change brought about by President Obama, or would we rather have a change back to the Jim Crow laws, as favoured by these racists?

    We must implore those within government to act to protect the citizenry of this country by arresting, as enemy combatants, all teabaggers.

  17. End leftist oppression! Fight back now by joining the tea party!

  18. I see that the truly desperate have come out since I last visited this post. Anon calling us, the tea party people, fascist. Wow that is irony! He would silence and shoot us, but he/she preaches to us about fascism,,,hmmmm
    I recognize the cowardly approach to your posts; who are you, where is your proof of any allegations, ie please show the associations with the kkk or skin heads or other groups.
    I read the fear in your posts. It is not fear of us, after all we are normal people; grandmothers and grandfathers, working people that barely make it check to check. No the fear I see is the fear of exposure.
    You know the game is over! The adults are about to take control away from your neo-progressive heroes, and you don't know what to do about other than to call us names. You have my sympathy friend.
    Bill Gunn

  19. Bill Gunn, you're just another neo-racist teabagging idiot whose actions would resurrect such evils as the Jim Crow laws. You dare to impune fear on the part of Progressives, yet fear is exactly what keeps Repugnicans in office. You lot scream "terrorism" at every turn, support the suspension of the Constitution of the United States to allow the government to restrict the freedoms of its citizens, exactly as your hero, Hitler, did in Germany.

    The whole reason you pieces of crap whine like little children about President Obama is because he's black. You can't stand to have an African American in the White House. It just makes your skin crawl, and the reason for your hateful rhetoric is obvious to anyone who can think for themselves.

    Every single time that a Repugnican is in office, the economy goes to hell, and then the left has to step in to put our economy back on track. This is when you religious war mongers rush in and scream that the sky is falling down, that we're on the verge of Communism (a system about which you lie almost as much as you lie about Barak Obama), and that if we don't elect your favourite klansmen into office, that the United States is doomed.

    It's old, and only idiots who sit in front of Fox "news", a station which should be pulled off of the air on grounds of sedition, believe the insanity that spews from all of your lot's lips.

    The time has come for the old order of distrust, lies, and hatred to be swept aside. We want social justice, and we're not going to let you pieces of crap keep us in the Dark Ages! This nation was not founded to be a theocracy for a bunch of Jesus freak nutjobs. Get over yourselves. It is NOT a white nation (thank god), it is not a christian nation, and it cannot survive under the evils of Capitalism. Workers of the world unite! We are going to change this country for the better, and as more and more people are waking up and seeing just how evil the teabagging movement is, it's going to become a dark note in the history of this great nation.

    Can we overcome your tyrrany? YES WE CAN! (I know how much you sickos hate those words, about as much as you hate the ideals of hope and change, unless it's hope only for privillaged white males, and change that brings us back to the times when rich whites ruled and everyone else was dirt. Well, idiot, those days are gone. Get used to it.)

    As has been said before, we should demand of our government that the teabaggers, just like the skinheads and KKK, be held accountable for their crimes. I urge all thinking people who read this to call their congressmen. Tell them to support the continual good deeds of Reed, Speaker Pelosi, and President Obama. Urge them to arrest all teabaggers on grounds of hate speech, to give us Universal Health Care so that people don't have to suffer to make insurance companies and fatcot doctors even richer, and put an end to draconian immigration laws that prevent good, hard-working, undocumented citizens from being able to walk the streets without fear of angry mobs beating them and cruel cops deporting them.

    Oh, and tell Beck and all of your other Nazi friends that no matter what they say, YES WE CAN!


  20. "Leftist oppression" is the biggest joke that I've seen any of these wingnuts post. Of course, they seem to think that the government actually caring for the citizens is "oppression", and that a horrible Capitalist system that leaves poor women and children to starve on the street and deprives them of healthcare is somehow a positive thing. We're supposed, by their line of thinking, to be good little consumers and labour our lives away in the name of corporate greed. They scream and cry about the government stepping in, but they're quick to forget about the robber barons, who controlled every aspect of people's lives, enslaving children in factories, until the "evil" big government stepped in and said ENOUGH! Every single one of these Republican shills is a complete and utter moron devoid of any ability to reason for themselves. I would pitty them, were their stupidity not so damned dangerous to this nation and it's citizenry.

    How is it, according to a wingnut poster on here, that we're supposed to fight "oppression"? Why, what else? "Join the tea party," says the Limbaugh drone. While you're at it, make sure that your swastika is properly placed upon your left arm and that you salute with your right arm held aloft. That's what it's all about for the tea party.

    Anyone who supports these rabbid, militant, angry mobs should be ashamed of themselves. They shound get down on their hands and knees and pray to God for forgiveness, for their inhumane outlook is one centred on greed and racism. Sadly, many of these delusional fools think that they're Christians. I'm sure Jesus would have a lot to say about the volitile teabaggers, and you can mark my words that it would not be supportive of their sickening cause.

  21. Anon you are a vile agent of all that is bad. Soon you and your kind will pay a terrible price as America is reborn through the teaparty.

  22. To quote the fascist moron above:
    "Anon you are a vile agent of all that is bad. Soon you and your kind will pay a terrible price as America is reborn through the teaparty."

    This is typical behavior of the radical right. Neocon racists continually threaten violence in order to get their way. If they thought that they could get away with it, they'd be wearing white hoods and lynching people.

    To the idiot above:
    No, sir, the tea party will not "rebirth" this fine nation into whatever sick, theocratic, Nazi-inspired nightmare that you might wish. Most of us have no intention of climbing back into the trees, no matter how much you religious zealots are offended at people walking upright.

  23. Anon, your rantings are nothing but that. You offer no proof or substantiation for a single thing you have asserted.
    Corresponding with you is like corresponding with a five year old; no logic exists. It is the left that has been responsible for all genocides; yes Hitler was a socialist too.
    Mao, Lenin, Castro, Che, the list goes on. Calling me names does nothing to promote your positions, it just shows everyone who you an dyour progressive ilk really are.

  24. anonymous, I find humor in the fact that you probably preach tolerance to everyone. You make disparaging remarks with the word teabagger, does that not offend the homosexual? You say we wear swastikas and salute hitler, last time I saw anyone at a tea party doing that they were LaRouche supporters (democrats). Get over yourself, we are going to DC to tell your progressive friends the party is over and we are taking our country back. Black, white and brown arm in arm.

  25. Try to candy-coat it all that you like, the American public is well aware of the hateful rhetoric that comes from the right. They're mad as hell and fed up you lot stripping people's civil liberties, destroying our economy, ignoring the needs of the poor, catering to corporate interests, being two-faced about your sexual scandals, and pretending the whole time to be doing it all in the name of liberty.

    You can bring all of the angry mobs of racists to Washington that you want. It won't make a bit of difference, because the American public is well aware of what the lot of you are. Go ahead and make a public spectacle. We'll continue to point and laugh, save when you get out of line and we have to smack you. I'm sure it won't take long before someone in your ranks suggests lynchings of important government figures.

    What would honestly put a huge smile on my face would be to be present when you finally step out of line far enough. Go on and make some public declaration of hate speech and incite the public against their elected officials as you have been. Sooner or later, the righteous fist of justice will come crashing down on the lot of you. The most outspoken hate mongers among you, people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and the rest will be behind bars, where they belong. All of the Timothy McVeigh want to bees spawned by their rhetoric will be rounded up and dealt with according to their individual crimes. That's when you'll see this angry mob of dissident hate-mongers driven out of the streets. Those that escape their rightful sentences will only be the ones who hide like their kin, the cockroach.

    Sooner or later, a lot of you are going to wake up and realize that you're just shills of the Repugnicans. Although this was orchestrated by FOX "News", the modern-day Goebbels of the American Reich, I mean the Repugnicans, I mean Libertarians - oh wait, they're just Repugnicans pretending to be a little less insane, you'll still have the occasional peon that insists that this is a "grass roots" movement started by patriots. Perhaps it's not so odd, sirs, that this is much how the KKK describe themselves. Neither can you lot help yourselves. Every single time that there's a minority to oppress for having darker skin, speaking a different language, making less money, having sex outside of your parameters, there's the "conservative", neocon, racist, fascist extreme to support oppression. Hey, that's all right. It's always in the name of America and freedom, just like when we bomb other countries and demand that they take freedom or else, all so that daddy's war can finally be finished. You're all sheep. Some of you will never even realize it, so go ahead. Continue to make your empty threats of a "tea party" (Nazi Party) revolution overthrowing the rightful government and supplanting the rule of law. That will never happen.

  26. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and the rest of these neocon warmongers are traitors. They openly disrespect President Obama, lie about our hard-working public servants, and stir hate. As much as you neocons don't like this, unless you can use it against the left, for whom we have to thank for having ANY freedom in this country, the fact is that hate speech is NOT and has NEVER BEEN protected by the First Amendment. Neither is incitement to violence (read: tea parties, neocon talk radio, FOX News, etc ad nausea).

    Their empty-headed rants are FINALLY (more) illegal, thanks to long-overdue hate-speech laws. Despite the fact that anyone with a modicum of common sense always knew that freedom of speech did not mean that one could incite the public against their lawful government, that it did not protect any speech the purpose of which is to promote criminal activity, and that it did not protect sexism, racism, or anything else that promotes inequality, there has had to be a law on books DIRECTLY SITING hate-speech so that the morons can no longer argue their non-point. Let’s get something straight. The First Amendment NEVER protected racism and inciting the public against the government. People used to hang vermin like this, not allow them unpoliced access to our airwaves and to the ears, hearts, and minds of our children.

    Were it up to me, I would line every last one of these maggots, including anyone and everyone who has ever worked for or with Fox News, against a brick wall, and I would gleefully order the firing squad to machine gun them. I don't say this as a Progressive, but as a caring human being who hates with every fiber of being, those who exist through oppression of the lower classes, who deny Social Justice, and condemn any that they see as "undesirables" to live in squalor.

    Honestly, I'd like to be on that firing squad. On a personal level, it would make me feel warm and fuzzy inside if the very people behind all of the lynchings of the KKK, the abuse to women and children, and every other social ill that our nation has allowed to be subjected, were all put down for their inhuman crimes. There is not a single spark of decency in them, and to continue through the ages, always plaguing society, they must do it by brainwashing the youth.

    That is precisely why we must call upon Government now to take action! This is why President Obama should be given full authority, under emergency powers, to declare martial law and to hunt down and eliminate all of these domestic terrorists, be they active participants in the "tea party" or "lone wolves".

    It's these facist-capitalist monsters who've put countless children on the street, tried to run hard-working people out of our lazy hellhole of a country because gee, they have brown skin! Hell, I'd be smiling while I’d put their execution on Pay-Per-View and use the proceeds for AIDS research.

    In short, the only way that these inciters, the vermin behind these tea-bagging get-togethers (most likely the American Nazi Party) could possibly do society any good would be as fertilizer. Let them give back to the planet that they've been raping for a few over-inflated bucks. I'd also offer up having them pound out license plates in prison, but if left alive among the general populace, they'd probably turn them into FOX "News" junkies, and then the prisoners would all be FAR worse than they already are at this time!

  27. wow! anon you really need help! Maybe you could get one of those capitalist monsters at the pharma companies to donate some pills.
    I ask for proof of ANYTHING you say, all you do is say it again as if repetition proves a point.

    Bye, continue ranting, your not sane enough to acknowledge any longer!

  28. I'm not sane enough? I have to prove what most of America knows to be true? You are a smug, little urchin. That, I suppose, should be expected of right-wing radical extremists. You make baseless accusations against President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and everyone else who has authority, because you believe some paranoid delusional Glenn Beck fairytale whereby the government is evil (because, you know, taking care of people is insidious and evil, but letting them starve on the street with no health care is compassionate) and freaks like you are Christ's champions in shining white, with Repugnican voting pins. What's worse is that you idiots, a handful of fringe elements that turn out in small, angry mobs, represent the rest of the country.

    It is you, William, and the rest of you racist scum, who have to prove what you say, because you have no facts upon which to back up your lies and dissent. You, William, are guilty of sedition, and I'm sure that when the police dig far enough, treason as well.


  29. (continued)
    I am proud to be able to say that I've written My representatives and told them to stand firm behind Speaker Pelosi and President Obama, and that I have made it known that We the People do not stand behind psychos like you. This is something that all Americans should do, get behind the government and oppose the terrorist so-called tea party.

    Teabaggers everywhere can whine and snivel all that they want about President Obama's stimulus package. Where were they when Bush was destroying our economy to fight in an illegal war, in the name of daddy's bruised ego? Oh, that's right. They were busy kissing Bush's butt, since he's a Repugnican, and thus can't do wrong (in their eyes), and telling us that everything that he was doing was in our best interests. This, of course, includes the Patriot Act, which all too well mirrors what Hitler did when he first took power.

    You, sir, supported and continue to support, the actions of an out of control regime that stripped the American public of many of its rights, which condoned the torture of innocent Iraqis, and now you have the audacity to demand that I should show proof of the truth? I would ask if you're mad, but it's clearly obvious to any thinking person that you are insane. Of course, that means that you won't get the point, but can anyone really be surprised?

    If anything, I should encourage you pieces of crap to keep it up. The more hate speech and empty rhetoric that comes out of your mouths every time someone in government tries to do something to better the lives of all Americans, the more that people see you for what you are. The more that you persist in these shenanigans, the more that your true colours are exposed. You see yourselves as shining white knights espousing your sick, twisted values (which you believe to be normal). The rest of us see more idiots in white, pointy hoods and wonder when they're going to burn a cross in front of the White House.

    Well, by all means, don't let us stop you! Go ahead and have a "tea party" on the White House lawn while you burn an effigy of the cross. Go ahead and (continue to) show the world exactly what you scum are. You like to throw around the word "proof" to hide your lack of any, so I offer you this. PROVE that you're not a bunch of racist nutjobs. I don't mean to bring out the token black guy suffering from Stockholm syndrome. PROVE that you're not racist. Support President Obama and Speaker Pelosi, speak up for amnesty for the millions of undocumented citizens toiling away in this country, speak up for nationalized health care, so that all children in this country, not just those of rich, upper-class whites, can be cared for. Oh, but of course you wouldn't do that. Why, you're a good ol' American, just like uncle Jethro. Yeee-haa, White Power, that's what it's all about for you, isn't it? You might as well admit it, because no matter how many times that you try to turn things around rather than admitting to your true agenda, we all see it. We all see it, sir, and we are not amused. Neither are we going to take it. The teabagger movement will be crushed under foot, and its leadership hanged for treason!

  30. Evil Anon, soon you will come crawling to the teaparty begging for forgiveness.
