Sunday, April 11, 2010

Political Weekend 2010

I just got back from the Amherst Commons, where the Extravaganja will be held this Saturday.

Meanwhile, a lot was going on this past weekend. Beatnik figure Amiri Baracka (Leroi Jones) spoke at Amherst College Saturday, as seen in this picture by S.P. Sullivan.

Sullivan also captured this classic image of Motown Bennie the Bucket Man performing at UMass yesterday in formal attire. Even his plastic bucket was painted formal black. 

Northampton's David Pakman greets Governor Deval Patrick at Smith College Sunday.

The Republicans had a meet the candidates shindig at Storrowton Tavern in West Springfield, as shown in these pics by Sheila Pecor. The media was primarily interested in gubernatorial frontrunner Charlie Baker.

Congressional candidate Dr. Jay Fleitman, radio dude Adam Rivers and State Auditor candidate Kamal Jains.

Legislative candidates Tom McCarthy and Josh Carpenter.

Did anyone see any stranded looking rock stars in downtown Northampton Saturday night? A broke down limo across from the Iron Horse.

My friend Luke Averill and his band at Sam's.

An honest beggar in front of the Haymarket.

These bushes in big cement pots stand outside the UMass library.

Someone scrawled this message warning about them.

But not all.

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