Monday, May 17, 2010

More Hampenings

They are having a big t-shirt sale at Faces in downtown Northampton this week.

Apparently the big fashion statement for the summer of 2010 is the Grateful Dead, as it has been in these parts since at least 1967.

I understand why the t-shirt below sells. What I don't understand is how they sell them in Massachusetts. Maybe they're a hit with the snobs that come up here from New York City.

Graffiti in downtown Hamp.

Damon and I walked across the overpass on Main Street.


The view of downtown Northampton from the middle of the overpass.

What is the sense of this garish yellow line at the bottom of the courthouse steps? For two hundred years people have been climbing those steps, now all of a sudden there needs to be a safety strip?

Are people still protesting about Darfur? Yes. 

Rachel Maddow spoke at the Smith graduation ceremony yesterday. Here's the video of her accepting her honorary degree.

I wonder whether she noticed these signs in a Main Street window.

Bill Gunn, who is running against incumbent John Olver in the upper Valley congressional district, gave this fiery speech Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. " For two hundred years people have been climbing those steps, now all of a sudden there needs to be a safety strip?"

    Ever hear of TRIAL LAWYERS? (also known as money grubbing dirtbags)
