Saturday, May 28, 2011

Norwottuck Ride


Lately I've been riding my bike on the Norwottuck trail every day, keeping fit and trying to remember all the rules. (click photo to enlarge)

It really is a beautiful ride through God's country, beginning with the old trestle over the mighty Connecticut.

And don't worry if your tires get soft or your throat gets parched, both air and water are provided by Country Nissan for the price of free. 


Much of the trail is through the farm fields of Hadley, where the heavy snow this winter caused this old barn to completely collapse.

At one point I came across a couple of chickens that had escaped their coop and I got off my bike and chased them around a bit. Chickens have wings, so why do the chickens run instead of flying away? Can chickens fly? Perhaps they can, but maybe they just don't want to.

Meanwhile, a tranquil serenity has settled over UMass now that the students are gone for the summer. 

There was no such serenity earlier this month however, following the announcement of the assassination of Osama Bin Ladin. This video captures the moment when the UMass students came pouring out of the towers into the courtyard. 


Although the title of the video refers to the event as a riot, it was really more of a celebration. Rioting at UMass is reserved for sporting events, not politics.

Speaking of politics, at Rao's in downtown Amherst you get your coffee served with a side of Republican.

I see from the red X on the side of this old ruin that it is set to be torn down.


An old freak once told me that back in the 1960's that rambling old place was the wildest hippie house in Amherst. When the wrecking ball hits it, ghosts of the Summer of Love will fly away.

Oh well, this sticker on a neighbor's house has the right attitude. 

Have a nice holiday weekend folks!


  1. At least the students at UMass are patriotic!

  2. Tom...the red X on the building does not mean it is to be torn down, it means it is structurally unsound Here is a link to the meaning of other markings on buildings.

  3. Oh thanks, that's good to know, maybe some rich person will come along and restore the old joint.

  4. i always thought the red X meant taxes were owed on the property. but i probably only dreamed thinking that... but i'd bet most people who own buildings that are structurally unsound also owe taxes on that property. i'll look that up.
