Sunday, April 17, 2011

Extravaganja 2011

They were promoting it all week in the UMass Campus Center.

Friday afternoon when I passed by they were setting up the stage.

Here's what it looked like when the crowd showed up on Saturday, as captured by Larry Kelley.

The occasion was the annual Extravaganja Marijuana Legalization rally, which this year was expanded into a two-day affair. Here's a picture of local libertarian leader Terry Franklin (center) with two of the organizers of the event.

The event attracts a lot of vendors, such as this mobile Jamaican restaurant.

The Extravaganja always brings out the seldom seen freaks from the hilltowns, who leave their woodland hideaways to come into town for a day of revelry and then return to the forest to resume their mushroom meditations.

Unfortunately my camera memory was almost full, so I only got 23 seconds worth of video:

A flower power bumpersticker in a Northampton parking lot.

A Tea Party bumpersticker at a Northampton conveniece store.

An unanswerable question on an Amherst College A.C. unit.


Anonymous said...

Legalize pot now!

Anonymous said...

Smoking pot now legal, drinking a beer will net you a criminal conviction. Oh brave new world.... said...

overheard in the kitchen: when i'm high, the last place i want to be is around a lot of people. and if i'm not high, the last place i want to be is around a lot of people who are high. dig?

Anonymous said...

In Amherst...

Smoking pot on the town common? Okay.

Smoking an e-cigarette in your own automobile? Hell NO!

Personally, I think both should be legal. But let's face it--Amherst is not "liberal" in any meaningful sense of word. They're a bunch of dickheads.


Anonymous said...

As Terry Franklin always likes to say, it's not like smoking marijuana is good. In fact, it's really bad. He's completely against it and he doesn't even do it. He just thinks it should be legal.

I guess that's why he shows up to extravaganja, a CELEBRATION of all things chronic. He must think we're really stupid.


Tim said...

I still can't figure out which pop culture look I find stupider. White dudes who try to look like Bob Marley, or urban youth with the completely straight brim on his baseball hat, (like some Asian tourist), with the sticker still on the visor.

Unknown said...

Hey Tommy,

Did see that troll's post....

Without casting aspersions of stupidity, I thought I should respond to some of his remarks.

> As Terry Franklin always
> likes to say, it's not
> like smoking marijuana
> is good. In fact, it's
> really bad. He's completely
> against it

In all my speeches and public statements, I never say marijuana is good. That is correct. But that does not mean I think it is bad or I am against it.

My position is that it is not any of my business what others do with respect to marijuana.

I am well aware that many of the people I work with think it is good. I also know it can be bad for some people. There are always "worst cases." Though from my observations, I can see that *most* people are able to use it in moderation, and without negative consequences.

> and he doesn't even do it.

No, I don't.

> I guess that's why he shows
> up to extravaganja, a
> CELEBRATION of all things
> chronic.

The rally is a political event with a serious message. We are opposed to bigots, bullies, and busybodies using force and violence ("the law") against those they disagree with.

It is also a "celebration." Those activists who work in such a political movement all year are dedicated and tireless. They get to have a little "R & R" with their colleagues once a year. Nothing wrong with that.

Terry Franklin