Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Cards 2011


Every year I get several cards wishing me a Very Jerry Christmas. I never tire of them. 

Politicians are also always sending me Christmas cards. I can never be sure whether they do so because they like me, or because they hope I'll leave them alone! The highest ranking politician to send me a Christmas card was former President George W. Bush, who for reasons that were never quite clear (I never contacted him in any way) sent me a card all eight years he was in office. They were always religious and very elegant with a gold-embossed presidential seal on top.

Somehow the Obama's keep forgetting to add me to their list. The other day I got a Christmas greeting from Amherst State Senator Stan Rosenberg. It shows the Senator looking somewhat frail while undergoing recent cancer treatments, seated next to his partner Byron, whom I had never seen before. Frankly, he's hot. 

It looks like it's going to be a snowless Christmas. New England doesn't look so nice without snow to cover all the dead plants. Even the woodland way into downtown Northampton, usually a majestic cathedral of snow this time of year, is looking drab.

Yet someone decorated this scrawny little pine tree, simply to amuse the passersby on the way. This is the season for good natured whimsy.

What a lucky guy I am. The sun is setting, its a rockin' holiday weekend and as soon as I post this I'm off to downtown Northampton!

Wreaths on the rails of the old First Church, portions of which date back to 1727.


Merry Christmas Everybody!


tony said...

Merry Christmas Sir!

Mo Turner said...

Merry belated Christmas, Mr. Devine.

Now where are your heroes and villains for 2011???

In eager anticipation,

Tim said...

Hey Tom! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You gotta see "Our Idiot Brother." The main character would remind you of a young Jerry Garcia, and its a loveable story about a bunch of laid back hippie types. Quite hilarious.