Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mad Prose


As befits the stomping grounds of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost, our Valley is in the throes of a poetry craze. Along with the Tuesday night poetry readings in Northampton at the Hinge there is now Sunday at the Haymarket. There have also been readings at Raos in Amherst.



Double wisdom in a Hamp parking lot.


Nauseatingly corny.


It is widely said that Northampton entertainment wizard Eric Suher hates to be photographed. Mary Serreze however captured the camera shy Suher at the casino press conference in Holyoke the other day. 

The good news from NASA is that the world is not ending anytime soon. The bad news is that means we will survive to actually have to solve our problems! 


Photo/videographer Vas Sager yesterday released this video he made featuring some of my Pioneer Valley photos from last year. 


Yoko Ono is getting into fashion:


The newest celebrity entrant into the design game first had the idea of doing men’s clothing when she fell in love with John Lennon in the 1960s. She adored the way he looked, both dressed and undressed, and was somewhat perturbed by the fact that it was almost always women who were sexually objectified by designers.

“Men were always wanting us to look good and take off everything,” Ms. Ono said. “And we were never able to enjoy men’s sexuality in that way.” She considered doing something about it then, only to realize that the world was not exactly in sync with her sartorial predilections.

Hotboy Chico backstage. You probably can't understand what he's saying, but who gives a fuck?

Very high energy, if you're into that sort of thing.

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