A message of hope.

My friend's backyard is pretty this time of year.

Me out by the chicken coop.

My neighbors the Pedal People were in the Boston Globe Sunday. Click here.

Who are the noble citizens behind this subversive local website? People, these government controlled casino monopolies are a totally corrupt scam - government should have no role in the gambling business other than collecting taxes. VOTE THEM ALL DOWN! Check out the new local anti-casino site here.
Consider moving your content to Tumblr and using that to blog. Much better platform.
I am thinking about that, Blogger was cool in its day but that day may have passed.
Hey Tom, have you seen this?http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2012/08/14/ayn_rand_on_johnny_carson_watch_the_full_tonight_show_interview_video_.html
Cool. Rand's heavy Russian accent and nervous shyness made her a somewhat ineffective advocate for her views in any other medium but writing. Still, her genius shines through. The clip also shows the caliber of old time late night TV before it became smutty and shallow. No such conversation could occur on any of the late night shows today.
actually the casino opponents are getting killed, happily
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