Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Morning light in the Haymarket.

I see that Monte Belmonte and crew are having their annual fundraising campout for Cancer Connections on the Northampton Couthouse lawn:

Here's Monte himself. I asked him about the scout get-up and he replied, "I'm a Flamingo Scout."

I chose not to inquire further. Both my parents died of cancer, so it's a cause close to my heart. Give a little something if you can.

Pine Point compare and contrast: 1939 versus 2009:

Another blast from the Pine Point past, sometime in the 70's:

Of course, that is also the site of the original Friendly's as seen here in 1939:

As long as we're doing Springfield stuff, here's a silent Dann Vazquez video from 2007 showing the Springfield Library and environs.

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