Thursday, March 7, 2019


What on Earth?

What is this logo for the racist, cop-hating group Black Lives Matter doing on a banner hanging in the middle of Amherst?

If there are haters in Amherst who subscribe to the twisted views of Black Lives Matter, then that is their prerogative, but the group's message of deceit, division and hatred should not be imposed on the entire citizenry by this banner. Whoever is responsible for choosing which banners get to be strung across the road should be replaced by someone with better judgement and a formal apology issued to the entire community.

Meanwhile, down the road at UMass the new addition to the Isenberg School of Management opened in January, but somebody didn't order enough letters.

Then just recently a crane was parked outside.


It's been pretty snowy lately.

Makes it hard to get the paper.

This is my favorite Northampton snow video.


Tim said...

Used to be good friends with this Deadhead lawyer, when I was a cop. Friended him on facebook when I got on in 11.’ Once he found out I didn’t like Obama’s policies he claimed I had “ some degree of racism.” These people radiate hate. At 61 yrs. old, I am no closer to understanding these horrible people, and their twisted viewpoints.

Tim said...

Nice video. That whole album was very good. What was it called? “Welcome Interstate Managers,” I believe.