Friday, February 18, 2022


Northampton City Hall at dusk. 

photo by Mary Serreze

Oh no! Someone defaced the General Pulaski monument in Northampton's Pulaski Park!

Who would do such a thing? A Critical Race Theory enthusiast who despises the founding fathers? A similar scrawl across the street gives an obscure clue having something to do with buses. 

Did someone miss their bus and blame it on systemic racism? We may never know. Meanwhile, this is the bus stop outside the Amherst Survival Center. 

Many people were saddened last week by the death of popular local news and sports personality Chris Collins after a long battle with heart disease.

For many years Collin's column In the Arena was must reading for political junkies throughout our Valley. I will never forgive the Greenfield Recorder for cancelling Collin's column a few years ago, allegedly for mostly political reasons.

Here's 1990's Springfield Newspapers legends Richard Garvey, Janet Davenport, Carroll Robbins and Tom Shea.

Here's Bob Dylan super-fan Tom Shea at Dylan's childhood home in Minnesota in 2016. Looking for some basement tapes?

A bewitching statue in Salem, Massachusetts.

photo by Jeff Ziff


The first time Dr. Leary made headlines. 

Here I am reciting a poem at Extravaganja in Amherst, 2014.

Why don't we see more of these people being celebrated for Black History Month?

P.J. O'Rourke - 14 November 1947 – 14 February 2022

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