Monday, March 21, 2022

Baystate West


Here's a bunch of politicos and construction dudes at a shindig last summer celebrating a project to finally restore the long vacant historic building complex on Springfield's Court Square. 


Now just months later, the project is experiencing a fiscal crisis, as Bidenflation has pushed the cost up by $13 million. A similar problem is undermining the entire effectiveness of the massive so-called infrastructure bill passed by Congress last year. The soaring cost of construction means that less actual construction will be possible to fund with the money. 

Government giveth, but inflation taketh away. 

I was in downtown Springfield last week.



I stopped in at Tower Square, forever Baystate West to those of us of a certain age. 


Not much really happening while I was there, the liveliest place in the joint was Dunkin Donuts


The rest of the lobby was a dead zone.

It's hard to believe that this glassed enclosure is the site of the late, lamented school-skipper's haven Seven Kettles

Business in the food court was anemic at best. 

View out the food court window.

Too bad Bidenflation is sucking up the economic development funds, because downtown Springfield sure could use some revitalization. But wait, that's been true since around 1980.

Meanwhile, up in Northampton, a new place is opening on Main Street for winos to hang out.

Northampton Stop&Shop.

 The bus stop at the Amherst Survival Center with Cowls Lumber across the street.

State Street across from the Springfield Armory (STCC) in 1890.


This show was surprisingly popular in our Valley in the 1990's. 


UMass pizza.


Gavin Banek said...

Wasn't the casino supposed to revitalize downtown Springfield?

Randy G said...

I kind of wish there was at least a “like” button on this venerable platform. Once again, just wanted to thank you for allowing me this peek at my old stomping grounds.