Monday, May 23, 2022

Mural of Hate


This is the  historic stone arch over Main Street in Springfield. 

The Stone Wall Tavern is a bar located just to one side of the arch, an establishment that has been located there for as long as I can remember. 


I haven't stepped inside the joint in over 25 years, but I used to go there on infrequent occasions with Jay Libardi back in the 1990's. In those days it was a solid middle-class watering hole that catered to a colorful cast of downtown characters. I have no idea what it is like today, but on the outside of it has been painted a colorful mural. I decided to check it out up close. 

What on Earth? The first detail I noted was this ridiculous Leftist image of a pink-haired black man carrying a burden of books on his back. 



Look at the titles of the books that supposedly oppress him: Heterosexuality, Western Politics, Columbus, (white) History and Social Norms. At the opposite end of the mural, two women are shown reading books whose alleged positivity is suggested by butterflies flitting about them. 

The open book on top of the pile is portrayed as similar to a butterfly with antennae sticking out the top of it, suggesting a positivity lacking from the books on the pink-haired black dude. Read these books and you will rise and fly like a butterfly! And what are these inspiring and enlightening tomes? They include books by the race and gender propagandist "bell hooks" and the communist agitator Angela Davis. 

If you follow the butterflies on their upward flight you come upon the final image, one that truly manages to cover all the politically correct themes of the mural as a whole. We find the butterflies fluttering around an educator (indoctrinator?) of color instructing a student of color. For extra Woke points, the student is disabled. Also, the indoctrinator is wearing not merely a t-shirt supporting the racist hate-group Black Lives Matter, but in an ultra-super-extra-duper Woke gesture, the shirt says Black TRANS Lives Matter.



There has been controversy recently about other offensive murals that have been painted around downtown Springfield recently, but there is no denying that the one painted on the Stone Wall Tavern is a real doozy. What's sad is that there is no outcry against such hateful murals nor demands from the public that they be painted over. 


Meanwhile, mother goose is raising her goslings at the UMass pond. 



The geese, ducks and other wild fowl have UMass pretty much to themselves for the next several months as the students have left for the summer, but not before one student chalked this last plaintive query:

The answer is no. 

Nothing lasts. 

1 comment:

Jack Rebney said...

I'm surprised the people weren't painted on the mural wearing masks.