Wednesday, April 12, 2023

No Masks


Easter Sunday at 185 Main Street in downtown Northampton. 



 Always something going down in front of the Haymarket.



Springtime at Broadside Books

A bumper sticker in their window claims to love science. 



 However, two signs on their front door contradict that.

No, masks are not sexy, and no, science does not require wearing masks while shopping for books.  C'mon people, snap out of it! That whole covid thing was all bullshit. 


It's protest season at UMass. 



We must liberate the horses from the evil police officers who enslave them!

To be a UMass cop, ya gotta have a sense of humor. 


When was the last time you saw a Tricky Dick sticker?  As Larry Kelley would have said, "Only in Amherst." 



Larry would have also known how to spell Nixon's name. 


Matchbooks of the past. 


The Pride of Springfield. 



Anonymous said...

Good work Tom

Anonymous said...

No masks is right. take down those signs suckers!