Thursday, December 9, 2021

Holyoke Rising


Holyoke rejoiced on Election Night last month when former longtime City Councilor and Mass GOP activist Kevin Jordain returned to office by topping the field in the vote for at-large City Council. Imagine that, a proud Republican winning the most votes in a Holyoke election!

Holyokers didn't even have to wait for Jordain to be sworn in for the sparks to start flying, as Jourdain stepped forward to ensure that two candidates who ran in defiance of the city charter were not allowed to be seated. Read all about it here. This promising debut shows that in his electoral return Jourdain will continue his noble quest to restore competent government to Holyoke. God speed. 

First snowfall of the season last night, as seen this morning on the woodland way into downtown Northampton. 



Back in the 1980's, The Infinity Lounge was a shallow, boozy pick-up bar and fashion show. It was also a lot of fun. 


March 28, 1973 Grateful Dead on stage at the Springfield Civic Center.



Yet another nostalgic blast from 1973. 


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