Monday, March 14, 2022




Two years ago I posted this pic of students sitting outside at UMass. We had no idea that within a week nothing would be the same.



We would be doing dumb things such as standing in line, like at the Northampton Walmart or Farmer's Market.


 You had to wear a freakin mask.

Every petty tyrant, little Hitler and Karens of both sexes were in their glory. 

Even the UMass Newman Center got in on the act.

As always, Amherst took things too far.

And of course, it was all politicized.


Oh well, that's all behind us now.

Let's flash back to this motley crew as captured by Dann Vazquez in 2012.


David Narkiewicz, Bruce Mann and his wife Elizabeth Warren, somebody, Mike Dukakis and Ellen Story. 


Andy Yee photo-bombing on national TV in 2017.


 My friend's desk is impossibly neat.




Anonymous said...

Tom, why are Northampton schools still forcing kids to wear masks???

Tom said...

I don't know why, but it is a really dumb thing to do. The Northampton School Committee must be in the pocket of the teacher's union.