Tuesday, March 8, 2022



What on Earth is happening to the Calvin Coolidge Memorial in Northampton? 

The former President and Northampton Mayor has acquired a rather ghastly hue - or is he turning into an alien?

The culprit is lichen, the feared enemy of all stone monuments. 

Merriam-Webster has this to say:

 Algae, lichen, fungi -- that may be green, black, gray, yellow, red, orange, brown, or blue -- can be hazardous to stones because they trap moisture on (and under the surface of) the stone. They also secrete acids that can dissolve limestone, marble, sandstone, concrete, and mortar.

Oh no! What is to be done? 


Meanwhile, a foreign policy pronouncement on a Northampton fence. 


Joyous news at UMass. 



Five Mile Pond, Springfield, Massachusetts, March 6, 2022.

photo by jeff ziff

Pine Pointer Paul Walker 2021



Springfield Massachusetts 1969. Frank H. Freedman was the first Jewish and last Republican Mayor of Springfield.


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