Tuesday, April 19, 2022



While the trees are still bare, the ground is greening on the woodland way. 



Cross of Easter flowers in front of First Church. 



My neighbor Ruthy Woodring is back.


This Northampton store does indeed have good deals, but in spite of their name they will disapprove if you steal. 

Ouch! Hamp - 4/16/22

Worthington Street, Springfield, Massachusetts. 

photo by m. wiseman


The Dunkin Donuts in Union Station. 

True love in Worcester is to kiss by Turtleboy


Jerry Remy said...

Gerry Callahan is right on the money with that assessment.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, speaking of greener, did you see Umass is going green with 100 percent renewable energy by 2032? that would be a helluva an accomplishment given the size of Umass.

Tom said...

An interesting claim, I'll believe it when I see it.