Friday, April 29, 2022



 A sign attached to a history cube in Northampton. 


A deadly okay sign on a bike rack by the post office. 



Liberal race hustlers try to create fake controversy and manufacture false evidence of widespread racism by claiming that the okay sign, one of the oldest and most widely used expressions in human history and universally believed to mean that all is chill, is actually a racist code signal.  

I kid you not.


Went to Springfield this week. 




Did you know they are going to install a Big Y next door to Dunkin Donuts in Tower Square/Baystate West where the old CVS used to be? Read all about it here.



 Looks sorta gloomy inside at the moment. 


The new Big Y will bring Tower Square some much needed foot traffic. However, when CVS closed several years back in the same location, there were rampant rumors that the real reason for their closure was that the outrageous rate of shoplifting had made making a profit impossible. Hopefully Big Y will not experience similar problems.


Springfield's Dr. Seuss.


Gavin Banek said...

Richard Neal is certainly on this list.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many hacks and cronies Neal will appoint to the new rail authority that will be created for East-West rail travel....

Tom said...

No one who is not a hack or a crony has any chance of serving on that board.