Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Ryan Retro


Back around 2007, a Springfield blogger named Heather Brandon alerted me to a cache of pictures she had taken. Heather's blog Urban Compass was highly praised as must reading by all who had an interest in Springfield politics, but alas she ended up moving to Connecticut and her blog was discontinued. For whatever reason, I never used any of her photos in my blog. However, recently while clearing out some of my old digital files, I came upon Brandon's pics, and I have edited the best of them for your viewing pleasure. 

Hizzoner Charlie. 

Mayor Ryan with Springfield Newspapers reporter Peter Goonan. 


Springfield Parks Commissioner Pat Sullivan, nephew of Eamon.

Ryan at a press conference with the Executive Director of the Springfield Control Board Phil Puccia. Springfield had been taken over by a State Control Board as the City crashed into the worst financial crisis in its history in the aftermath of the just departed Albano Administration. Puccia was a very powerful figure in those years. 

Ryan and Puccia being interviewed by former Reminder Publications editor G. Michael Dobbs. 


Richie Neal, Ryan, Puccia and then City Council President Bud Williams 


Shown appropriately on the far left is Henry Twigs, a former bag-man for Ray Jordan, and on the far right, where he very seldom was, is Springfield teacher's union head Tim Collins. 



City Hall meetings could sometimes get a little feisty, but Springfield's finest were always on hand. 



 Joe Carvallo of the Springfield Libraries and Museums. 

City Councilors Jose Tosado and Bud Williams, the infamous fixer Henry Thomas and Councilors Pat Markey and James Fererera. Jimmy was thought of as the lightweight on the Council in those days, but no one at the time realized how far the caliber of the councilors would fall in the coming years. In retrospect, Ferrera seems pretty sharp in comparison with the silly wokesters who make up most of the City Council today..


Prominent attorney and politico Marshall Moriarty. 



The colorful shirt of the Rev. Talbert Swan matches his colorful career.



The late and much lamented Antonette Pepe. She was one tough broad, and would have considered that description a compliment. While her demeanor could be intimidating, one on one she was a sweetheart.



Hizzoner on the street - Peter Goonan talking with Community Relations Director Azell Cavaan while DPW Director Al Chwalek speaks with Ryan. 



Charlie was wise to check behind him at a certain Councilor. 

 Dom Sarno announces for mayor. 


Sarno pressing the flesh. That's the legendary activist Mildred Dunbar in the left corner in a checkered shirt. 


The great debate as it appeared on Heather Brandon's TV. 

Thanks for the memories!


A book of poems written by an Amherst College English professor. 



1 comment:

Gavin Banek said...

Joe Carvallo looks like he could be a Capo for Al Bruno.